
I am a Software Developer and here I share some of my personal projects.

They are all open source and they are all created as prototypes to dig into some subject I wanted to explore. They are not what I would consider professionally polished products, as I develop them in my spare time mainly to learn.

I also write short articles from time to time. Which you can find here.


Go Go Postgres

Checks the TLS for your domains and lets you know when they are about to expire.

I wanted to explore HTMX and Templ to build a server-renderd webapp, instead of the usual SPA. I also wanted to have notifications for free, so instead of emails I used Slack.

Go WebSocket Redis

A minimalist webapp that allows a host to gather questions from their audience in real time (e.g.: an AMA session).

This one I built as a quick example of how to use Websockets in Go and use only Redis for data storage.

Go Wails React

Desktop application that manages encrypted messages.

I wanted to build a Desktop app with Go and learn about Wails. I wanted to use something other than Electron, while revisiting some cryptography concepts.



HTTP Client library for Go.

I built it to explore Go's built-in HTTP package, the builder pattern and how it would look for a library to provide mocking capabilities so that users can easily write tests for their requests.


Small Go library to handle environment variables.

It includes optionally loading values from a .env file. I mostly wanted to explore struct tags and how to use them to validate variables and parse them to the expected types.


Minimalist blog engine that powers this website

I just wanted a simple tool to convert markdown to HTML and provide an RSS feed. I wanted to see the tooling available for converting markdown and handle code highlighting.

Hire Me

If you have any software needs that I may help you with, I'll be glad to hear from you and your project. Please send me a note to the email address below.


If you'd like to reach out, please do so by email: germanviescas[at]gmail[dot]com


If needed, you may download my PGP key. The fingerprint 4A3A EF99 B0EB 587A 6E88 2B1C 282B 421A AD3A FC51 can be verified in my GitLab profile.